Answered By: Hugh
Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023     Views: 1209


In WorldCat "View eBook" links only appear for items owned or licensed by Tyndale.  These records contain the statement:  Held by: Tyndale University. 

Items that say "Held by libraries worldwide" are held by other WorldCat Libraries. You can double check by clicking: "All editions and formats". The AVAILABILITY section will tell you what libraries own each item. We may be able to loan a print copy of a book for you from another library. You may "Request an interlibrary loan" in WorldCat. A small fee applies.

Physical books not held by Tyndale may be requested through our interlibrary loan service. We cannot borrow eBooks that are held by other libraries due to licensing restrictions. We must have our own Tyndale license for an eBook.